Thursday, March 13, 2014

The First Lesson

I guess somewhere between I and Miss
before forever was invited
there was some imbalance
like chemistry
we were missing that positive charge

You had me wrapped up in your science
and through compliance I was hoping to share more then
the atomic number of 8
that we'd be able to mediate
maybe meet in the middle and share some ionic bonds

But it seems like we weren't covalent
because what was taken from you and I
well, that would lead us to history
and to understand the present we'd have to study the past
and while you want to stay lost in pages
I'm more focused on writing them

1 comment:

  1. That's really very impressive #piece! This #write makes me #chuckle indeed! You reminded me the days when I'd have studied the #science subjects. Am thrilled to read this because your words showed me how passionate you are about #science n it's very enjoyable to me to read something like this especially which's a combination of #science n #love in the #poetic form.

    Keep up the great work!
